The taxi pulled up next to a large building with the letters "GENESIS" on the front. It appeared I was in the right place-but where was everybody? Men loitered in the street and school buses passed each other with only inches in between. I stayed put in the taxi until I knew for sure that this was El Verbo school. I dialed my liaison friend, and she told me she was still on her way but that I was to look for the brown gate. I got out with my driver to try the gate. Locked.
Just then, a ten-year old boy sprints down the street towards me, waving his arms and yelling "Hola! Bienvenidos!" I smiled, relieved to see he was wearing the El Verbo P.E. uniform. (I was in the right place!)
He led me to the other brown gate around the corner, and opened wide the enormous doors to the school. It was cheery inside with walls painted different colors and stained glass windows in the classrooms. Two students sitting on a bench outside a classroom, jumped from their seats, as soon as they saw my recorder in hand. I was their recorder teacher.
Today was my first day teaching recorder (flauta dulce) lessons up at El Verbo school. El Verbo is a private Christian school located in a neighborhood called Nueva Suyapa.
Learn more here! or
hereIn the words of some missionaries working there:
"Nueva Suyapa is one of the poorest communities in Honduras (and the worse slum in Honduras). A maze of steep rutted dirt roads and small tin roofed shacks, the community is one in which more than 70 percent of the children live in poverty. What we used to take for granted - bathrooms, running water, and safe streets - have become issues we work on for a community of over 35,000 people."
( volunteer with Stewardship of Christian Ministries (SCM) came to our school and talked about opportunities to get involved. "Or," she said, "you can create your own ministry."
Now that got me thinking and praying. After much deliberation, an idea was born: why not teach recorder (flauta dulce) lessons?
Might I say it has only been 1 day and already it has been a blessing. The students are so excited to learn, and you should see their faces light up when they're able to play a note.
Please pray for this music ministry I'm starting, for the kids who come and their families, that they may know and experience the love of Christ and the joy of praising Him through music!