This weekend we had Monday off (Panamanian Labor Day!) and decided to take a trip out to the Gatun Locks as well as the fortresses at Portobelo and San Lorenzo. It was a blast exploring with fellow teachers, Mami and Julie!
La Aduana--Portobelo
I wondered if customs was more or less complicated than it is today and imagined how much treasure passed through here and how much they smuggled through, purposely unaccounted for.
The Church of the Black Christ: Portobelo
There was actually a service going on at the time, and I've never seen a Catholic Church with music like this! Perhaps we should dance and sing every time we bring out the Holy Scriptures?
We then headed over to Fort Jeronimo. It made us want to do a cannon ball plunge into the water and yell "Jeronimo!" The water was shallow by the shore, so instead we had fun posing like sentries on duty (plus the cannon ball-Mami).
I loved how they used coral in building the walls!
The other Fort at Portobelo: Fort Santiago. Similar layout, just facing the other direction.
I convinced my amigas that it was worth it to climb to the top of the hill and see the castle-like fort up there.
We planned on spending the night in a local hostel, so we were able to spend a relaxing afternoon on the beach. Mami snorkeled in water that was less than knee deep--we must've walked 15 feet from shore and still it was extremely shallow. I picked my way carefully among the rocks and coral, allowing the sand to settle, so I could see tiny colorful fish darting in between my legs. And Julie relaxed on the shore in the shade of a tree and read. It was a perfect afternoon for us all.
The next morning, we drove out to the Gatun Locks. It was the first time there for all of us, so we were pretty enthralled by the entire scene. Very similar to the Miraflores Locks (even in the style of buildings surrounding it and the Clayton-like village next to the Marina), the Gatun Locks have one particular trait which make them my favorite locks of all.
You can drive right across the channel, next to the massive gate doors.
A bridge lowers for the cars to cross, and 1-way traffic all the cars cross with no stopping. It felt almost out of a documentary movie; we were so close to these gigantic engineering marvels. Wow!
We kept driving and explored the area a bit. I stood in the Atlantic Ocean (Caribbean Sea) and contemplated that only 1.5 hours away was the Pacific!
My trusty vehicle (the Lord provides!), nicknamed U-ey, because of the number of U-turns I end up taking while navigating around Panama. Thankfully my housemate, Mami, is fantastic at directions, and I usually have some pretty insightful back-seat passengers with me. This car has been the greatest blessing as far as getting to know Panama, the community, and using it to minister to others needing rides or encouragement. Praise the Lord!
Continued prayer for safety on the road is very much appreciated.
(You just never know what to expect with the traffic in Panama City. I mean Panamanians call their public transportation: Diablo Rojos--Red Devils, if that gives you any idea of how the buses drive.)
Next stop: Fort San Lorenzo
This is my new favorite fort in Panama because 1) it's huge and fun to explore the different passageways and look out towers and 2) because of the incredible view of the Caribbean Sea.
Yes, it really is that blue!
So appreciate of this girl! Thankful to have her as a housemate!
I have had an incredibly blessed 1st year in Panama and reflect on just how GOOD the Lord is and how we knows what we need even before we ask for it. We can trust His presence with us always.
With only a month left of school, let's see what other gates of opportunity the Lord opens!
He is faithful and will sustain us to finish the school year strong!