On the way to our hotel (whose owner is the brother-in-law of the school chaplain), we took back roads to avoid rush hour traffic, and I caught a very small glimpse of what a 3rd World country looks like.
Trucking up broken cobblestone, I peered down dirt streets with ramshackle homes, one-story with graffitied walls or broken roofs, dirt-smeared kids running to and fro, people hanging out on the side of curbs begging for change or "se vende tortillas." There was a different mood over this colonia, and my heart went out to the kids who can't afford a good education, who sniff glue because there is so much grief in their life (see Micah Project entry to come).
After seeing this, we switched back to a main freeway, and it was if the poor were not even there (although they still lingered in my mind); I pray that we as the Church will never forget/neglect those in poverty and truly be the hands and feet of Christ.
This is so EXCITING!!! So glad you and your mom are getting a great preview of good thing to come and I know that you are in exactly the right place.
I am trying to determine from your blog posts if you will actually be here in SB this Sunday. John Sider has you listed as the person bringing the prayer of the morning. Can that be right?? If not, please let me know ASAP and I'll find someone else. I'd love to see you if you're in town - and Sunday would be a great time to do just that. But if you're not going to be here - BON VOYAGE, Blessings, prayers!!
Thanks Diana!
I will be there Sunday.
I get back into SB late Saturday night (so unless there are extended plane delays I should be at church Sunday morning). I am only in Teguc. for a few days checking out the school and the lay of the land so I have a better idea of what next year will look like. After church, I am doing the last of the packing and then driving up to Chico for the summer.
I go down to start teaching at IST in early August.
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