Friday (9/10) was Children's Day; so the second half of the day was taken up by an assembly put on by Palabra de Vida Honduras (Word of Life). We were left with a half hour at the end of the day, and when we returned to the classroom, the kids were full of excitement. We played Heads Up Seven Up, and then I pulled out my camera to take some class pictures. As soon the kids saw my camera, they began chanting "Tribulca, tribulca" over and over again. I racked my mind for what this word meant, and, puzzled, asked the kids to show me what they meant. A few boys started piling on top of one another, like a flattened pyramid, and I said "Let's do a half tribulca." Then had the students stand in the traditional photo taking pose of some standing, some kneeling, and some sitting. They really enjoyed it.
These are my students' lima bean and pinto bean plants, growing in our Science corner by the window. One of my students shows off his plant
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