About Me

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This blog chronicles my adventures since my junior year of college to..everywhere. Primarily it consists of life experiences and God stories in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy and God bless!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

From the Mouths of Babes

..otherwise known as my students in 4-B

Question and answer time with my dad (Lou):

Student: So..do you own the church?
Lou: No..there's a council, a board of people, the congregation..
(Student stares back with a confused expression.)
Lou: Uh, yes..Yes, I own the church.
Student: Cool!

S.S. Review Session

Me: What did the Mayans trade?
Student: Chocolate!
Me: Anything else?
Student: Chocolate bars!

Show and Tell from my mom (Shirley)
Shirley: We brought the ocean back from Tela. (proceeds to show bottle full of sand and bottled ocean: oil,water, blue food coloring mixture)
Student: But where are all the fish?

Trying to joke with my students:

Me: What did you do this weekend?
Student: Nothing.
Me: So you lie down in bed and didn't breathe and didn't move.
Student: Yes.
Me: Well then it's a miracle you're back at school today!
Student: Whhat?
Me: Nevermind.

Me: Hey, weren't you wearing that shirt the day after yesterday?
Student: No. (gets defensive) I wear a different color shirt yesterday.
Me: Think about it. The day after yesterday.
Student: Ohhhh..wait.
Student 2: (shouts) The day after yesterday is today!

Using the Word of the Day (warning: unedited student sentences)

"Miss, you permission me the bathroom?"
"You borrow me permission?"

"Barter me a pencil"
"I need to barter a marker."

But I admit my own slip-ups learning a language:

During recorder class, I was explaining to the students that their fingers needed to cover the holes in order to play the notes.

Me: "Cubra.....estos" (pointing to holes) --translation: "Cover....these"
Student: Las hoyos? ("Holes?")
Me: Si, hoyos.
We spent the majority of the lesson laughing at the Spanish words I made up to try to get the point across.

And don't get me started about the adventure of trying to give a radio taxi directions to my house.

Taxi driver: "Que es el numero?"
Me: "Pienso que 8, pero mi casa no tiene un numero. En tope de pequeña montaña"
(I think it's 8, but my house doesn't have a number. It's at the top of the small mountain.")
Taxi driver: "El numero?"
Me: (repeats what I just said and tries to give a further description of location)
Taxi driver: "Su numero.." (switches to very slow English) "Your num-ber of tel-e-phone "
Me: Oh..lo siento! Yo entiendo ahora.. (Oh, I'm sorry. I understand now..)
(Taxi driver's probable thoughts: Crazy American.)

Useful Spanish words to know and remember because of their frequency and/or misuse:

colina = hill
para subir = to climb
esquina = corner
Llámeme cuando usted llega= Call me when you arrive.
Espera aqui. = Wait here.
No va esa manera. = Don't go that way.
molestar = to bother/annoy (do NOT be confused by the false cognate)
tumulo = speed bump
seguro = safe
disfrutar = to enjoy

*Confianza en el señor = Trust in the Lord.*

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