About Me

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This blog chronicles my adventures since my junior year of college to..everywhere. Primarily it consists of life experiences and God stories in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy and God bless!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Cosas Interesantes

*Attended church Sunday morning (right around the corner from mi casa!) and a gringo family was also attending for the first time. So they pulled a translator up to the stage just for us! That was unusual and very helpful!

*Pulled out my flute last night to play and the songs my familia requested were: Silent Night and the National Anthem of the United States. Interesting choices.

*Took the oral and grammar placement exams. I'm pretty sure I did awful on the grammar portion (as expected) and thought about leaving a lot of the questions blank. But I took my own "teacher" advice, and went ahead and guessed. Then I wrote at the top in big, bold letters: I NEED TO LEARN THIS.

I guess that's why I'm here. : )
Anyway, I think they got the hint because I'm enrolled in two grammar courses everyday!

Here's my schedule for tomorrow:

7:30-8:20 Grammar

8:25-9:15 Grammar

9:15-9:35 Break (Coffee anyone?)

9:35-10:20 Chapel (Tuesday and Thursdays)

10:20-11:10 Language

11:15-12:05 Phonics

So excited for mi primer dia!

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