**Mars Hill and Lessons from Paul
After marveling the grandeur of the Parthenon/Acropolis and imagining what it must have looked like during Greece’s golden age, our group headed over to climb the Aeropagus, otherwise known as Mars Hill. Ever city-state in Greece had an aeropagus (high place) to exchange and share new ideas. Athenians were particularly fond of being in-the-know, always searching out for the latest piece of wisdom or philosophical opinion. So, when Paul arrived sharing about this new Way in the synagogues, they prodded him to share from this high place what the fuss was all about.
But Paul, led by God, had done his research and familiarized himself with Athenian culture and value system. He was “deeply distressed,” and out of a love for the people, he stepped up to share, even though he knew he would be far outnumbered.
**Pause, Think: What moves you? What is it when you read world news or observe your surroundings that riles you up or distresses you? Could this be your calling as far as where/how God is leading you to evangelize and minister to others? Look/listen for these moments and allow God to lead you.
Second, Paul not only affirms the religious devoutness for which the Athenians longed to be recognized, but he also launches his speech off with a personal connection and an observation to rouse their curiosity: the Unknown God. (Acts 17:22-31)
Paul clearly lays out the gospel message, clarifying the True and One God is not a god made by human hands. To give further credibility and connection to His message, Paul quotes a popular philosopher of the time. And coming to a close, He challenges the people to make a decision right then and there: What will you do now? What do you think about Jesus?
Rereading this Acts 17 passage in front of the actual Aeropagus, I pondered Paul’s strategies:
1) Get to know the culture and the people.
--Develop friendships, learn the language, traditions, and what is really important and valued. Be there first to learn and observe and not to judge or reform.
2) Pray that God will give you points of connection or open gateways to sharing the Gospel.
--These may come in the form of unanswered questions, personal observations/conversations, or glimpses of who God is or what He has done within their culture.
--Reflect the gospel through your life in loving actions and selflessness, being set apart by your love for people and your joy/contentment in Christ and continue praying for the people in this culture.)
--Pray specifically through challenges you know you will face when sharing. Pray for people’s hearts to be opened and the Holy Spirit to work in transformative ways.
4) Challenge them to make a decision
--Do they choose Jesus or not? Why? Where are they on the spectrum from self-directed life to Christ-led life?
God will work. He says that none of His words will return empty and our preaching is never in vain. Acts 17:32-34
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