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This blog chronicles my adventures since my junior year of college to..everywhere. Primarily it consists of life experiences and God stories in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy and God bless!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Chame Retreat 2015

Loading hula hoops and soccer balls into the trunk of my car, I prayed "for protection, for a fun time, and for honest conversations" for the weekend. I watched as over 100 students 6th-12th grade loaded onto two coach buses toting their sleeping bags and pillows. We were heading out for my first ever Chame youth group retreat, and I knew we were about to enter into a battle only God could win.

Thanks to Brennan's driving skills, with only one mandatory stop at Quesos Chela, we arrived safe and sound to the Chame Palabra de Vida (Word of Life) campground. I was amazed at the beauty of this part of Panama. I had been to the Palabra de Vida grounds before and heard of God's ministry through the Delibasich family and their volunteers. However, I had never stayed the night in the cabins or really explored the campus. 

I looked out over the vast terrain: soccer field, basketball court, pool, 4-5 cabins up the hill, an area for fogata (bonfire), a sheltered stage area with a kitchen attached. What a privilege it was to join together with 4 other churches in Panama, look out to the mountains, sing worship songs together, and remember our God!

Throughout the weekend, there were many sweet and hilarious moments:
  • Playing fun variations of Capture the Flag 
    • 1. With a Watermelon: When it broke, all the kids rushed to eat it!
    • 2. At Night: We used glow sticks to designate teams and a large glow stick inside a clear, plastic soda bottle for the flags. It was mass chaos, as people chased each other across the field, not knowing for sure if someone was on their team, since many used "decoy" glow sticks to lure the other team into a trap. It was pretty funny to not see anything, than suddenly you see this floating, glowing bottle bobbing up and down the field super fast, illuminating a leg here or there and hearing the shouts of victory as the other team brought the "flag" successfully across to their side. My team lost pretty badly, but it was a game to remember for sure!
  • Smashing "mystery sauce" pies into kids' faces in the Yes/No Game
    • Super thankful to have some of the high school upperclassmen involved--they made the game 10x more entertaining, because they would throw the questions back at me or change the subject in a creative way. Even my lovely assistant got pied!

  • Having a conversation with a leader who I thought had just gotten proposed to
    • Turns out, it was only her Quincenera ring worn on the left hand!
  • Trying to balance and watching others attempt to balance on Brennan's slackline
    • one of my friends was able to do it! impressive!
  • Meeting leaders and students from different churches in Panama City
    • Amazing to be part of God's larger story for reaching the youth of Panama for Christ!
  • Rally Games
    • Part of the sessions were a series of stations where each team (randomly chosen) had 15 minutes to complete a task
    • Your team had to do everything from running dipped sponges up the hill from the pool to fill up a bucket to navigating a maze with your whole team tied together. It was a privilege to watch as the team cheered each other on and followed John's clear leadership. #go_green_team

  • Bonfire time
    • The Fogata was so raging hot that no one wanted to get near to make the S'mores, so we just passed out all the ingredients afterward and the students still loved it!
    • Had an awesome, honest talk with a girl in my small group for the weekend, named Nicole. She shared how she first came to know Christ when she was 9 years old through attending a similar Chame retreat. This time, she was recommitting her life to Him, to serve Him through thick and thin. Wow!
Zoom In

Unlike my talented brother and sister-in-law, I don't have the gift for photography or even naturally spotting the details, but I will do my best to capture some word pictures to allow you to see what the retreat taught me.

1. Humility
Being a leader for the retreat, I had different duties and responsibilities to fulfill during the weekend. It is easy for me to get in "servant" mode, and not spend as much time with the students, which is of FAR more importance in the long run. Well, this weekend, I got an equal dose of both!

Whenever I went to prepare a game/activity or help clean up something, there was a small crew of middle schoolers who came over and asked if I needed help. And letting go of this control over the activities/details, I felt more peace, could relax and enjoy just being with them. Not only that, but we had a blast working together! We were able to laugh at and with each other as we squirted strange-colored concoctions into tinfoil to-go boxes for the Yes/No game or as we picked up trash off the field. Not to mention my small group girls (freshmen and sophomores) I was extremely humbled and grateful to everyone who led by example and helped out during the weekend.

2. Vulnerability/Tell your story!
One of the most beautiful parts of the weekend was that my close friends, Danae and Paulo (engaged to be married: July 2015!), were the retreat speakers. To know them both, is to know that they have undergone incredible transformation and growth in Jesus in the past three years of knowing each other. And, unlike, typical retreat speakers, they're willing to admit publicly that they're not perfect. 

Yes, the theme/message of the retreat was on the Unity of the Church through loving God and loving people, but Paulo and Danae shared with us much more than the cookie-cutter salvation message. They were real, and they made the Truth real.

Paulo and Danae started off by saying something to the effect of "We are a mess. In fact, everyone is. But God loves that mess. He made you, and sees a masterpiece in you." After they said this, I noticed a collective sense of relief pass through the students. These people are going to be honest. I can trust them.

Within the next three sessions, Paulo and Danae each laid bare their soul and shared about their personal journeys with Jesus. Their testimonies were raw, gripping, and vulnerable. It reminded me of God's power to rescue us from desperate situations, anger, bitterness, perfectionism, and self loathing.

Jesus rescues us from addictions to porn, struggles with lust, and the need to bully others, and replaces them with a new spirit, a new person. A person who is so consumed with Jesus that he gives his thoughts over to Him, who is overcome with God's love and this pours out of his soul to foster life-giving relationships, other-centered decisions, and an ability to love fully, comfort others, and be merciful in all circumstances.

God rescues us from perfectionism, a striving to achieve more and do better than everyone else. He rescues us from a competitive nature that pushes us toward the World's temporary pleasures in order to feel accepted and popular and rescues us from the need to feel in control of a life that is slowly crumbling around us. A time when we stop eating, hating ourselves, pushing outwards on the pillars of our life to hold them up, but the pressure and the weight of the problem is increasing, and your arms no longer have the strength.

Jesus rescues! He pulls us out from the rubble and places us in a safe place with walls and a foundation that will neither crumble nor fall. He replaces that desire to control with an unyielding trust in Him. He replaces that fight to belong, that self-loathing and struggle with comparison with the words, "You're mine." He replaces those temporary pleasures with an enduring truth, a satisfaction that lasts.

Jesus affirms our true identity and destroys the Deceiver's strongholds and lies!

Because.. He loves us.
And we are His Masterpiece.

Thank you so much Danae and Paulo for humbling yourselves and sharing these truths with us this weekend! Thank you to George for the vision and for your leadership in uniting the youth groups of Panama City to share in this experience. For these messages are truths that will last much longer than a day and a half retreat. These truths and stories will transform lives!!

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