I've only been in Honduras three days, but already I feel we have done so much!
Going to Iglesia Santidad was an important reminder of why I'm here and where my focus should be. It is so easy to get overwhelmed in a new culture, where you're trying to get settled, build relationships, and you're learning so much everyday, and I will need to remind myself of my purpose:
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
14For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
Fellowshipping with Honduran believers was such a blessing, and we sang praises to God in both Spanish and English. I was particularly struck by the words of "Dios Puede Salvar" ("Mighty to Save"), because they offer such a powerful reminder of God's sovereignty and the incredible work He does in saving and transforming lives. This year is in God's hands.
Please be praying for my 4th grade students that I will be ministering to that they would come to know Christ if they don't already and/or grow deeper in their relationship with Him. Pray that my encounters with Hondurans/the people I meet this year would glorify God and that He would prepare and use me to draw others closer to Him. I can't wait to see how God's going to work!
Tomorrow begins orientation of the school and the beginning of preparing for classes to start!
Your enthusiasm is a great motivation for me as I start my school year- remembering to have an academic & spiritual focus.
The kids & I will be following your blog and praying for you. :-)
Love, Aunt Julie
Thanks Aunt Julie!
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