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This blog chronicles my adventures since my junior year of college to..everywhere. Primarily it consists of life experiences and God stories in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy and God bless!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


A few days ago, a bunch of the teachers and I piled onto a bus in our Sunday best with our Bibles and purses in tow. We were heading toward a bilingual church, called Impacto, where some of the returning IST teachers regularly attended. A large sanctuary, accompanied by powerpoint screens, lobby coffee maker, offering box, and vision plans to build a new building greeted us as we walked into what could have very well been a church in the States. We were given the option of borrowing church headphones, where we could listen to someone translating the sermon message, but I opted out, feeling that if I had the English translation I would not pay as close attention to the Spanish, which I need to learn.

Through the worship songs, sermon, and the baptisms afterward, I was reminded of the unity of the Church and how we need to make Christ the center of our work and relationships. I had great conversations with congregation members after the service, and found out that the church had started in a home with only 18 people! And now they're starting to outgrow their new meeting place. Wow-God provides and multiplies!

Following the service, all the teachers went to a nice Chinese restaurant nearby. Chinese food in Honduras is surprisingly amazing! It was a great time of fellowship and hearing more from returning teachers about their experiences living in Honduras and getting school and traveling advice! Next week, I'll visit a different church with some of the returning teachers, and I hope to get a feel for church in Honduras and get to know how God is working here.

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