The Lord is working in Panama! This year marks the year that all (7) indigenous groups have the Bible in their language. Churches are growing, and the gospel is spreading. Panamanians are taking ownership of the gospel and yearning to share Jesus far and wide.
Last year, a local missions organization formed called PAM (Panamenos Alcanzando al Mundo), which equips, trains, and sends Panamanians into the mission field. PAM is even sending a team to translate the Bible to an unreached people group in Guinea, West Africa!

To give you some background, Panama's economy is doing extremely well due to the increased traffic through the Panama Canal, and this year, they built their first-ever Metro train system in the city. In August 2014, they're expected to finish the canal expansion project, just in time for the canal's 100th year anniversary.
The majority of Panamanians claim to be Catholic, and you can speak about Christ boldly without fear. Several Panamanians however, live with the misconception that salvation is based on merit or good works and some are very superstitious. Others are content in their prosperity and look to their economic status for fulfillment instead of God.
My School
It is this setting that I teach in. Parents enroll their children in Crossroads Christian Academy (CCA) mainly for the quality American-style education in English and "good moral teaching." But the other teachers and I are serving at CCA for a greater cause.
Two students who come to the Roots discipleship group |
Our heart is that the non-Christian students would come to know Christ as their personal Savior, and those who do have a relationship with Christ would grow to love Him more and learn more about what it means to follow Him.
Everyday, we strive to model Christ to our students, and, in every subject, we teach from a Biblical worldview. We have chapel every Wednesday morning, as well as small groups where students are intentionally discipled. We also have a community outreach program where students learn to put their faith into action.
CCA's mission is to "To educate a multitude of leaders who will reach the world for Christ."
My Role
Personally, I have the incredible opportunity to teach Social Studies from a Biblical perspective to 6th-8th graders. The student body is very international, and, as I see it, I am involved in preparing and training future missionaries and world leaders. Because, as we minister to these students, they minister to their families, and their families to the community, etc. A lot of students have expressed interest in someday going to these countries, and my prayer is that God continues to give them an understanding of other cultures and desire to share the gospel far and wide in whatever context they're in.
A student's presentation on Kenya |
At the end of the year, I asked my 6th grade Geography students why we should care about other cultures around the world, and one student responded, "to be able to share about Jesus better."
That is my heart, and I am so thankful for your continued prayers and support!
Ways to Pray
Please pray for:
-The students and what God will do in their lives this year
-For the host of new teachers who are arriving to Panama in late July and their transition to living and teaching overseas
-For the new 6th graders transitioning into Middle School
-For the two Bible studies I lead (Roots and Chapel small groups): We're going through The Story, and I'm excited to see what God teaches them as well as me!
-For wisdom as I develop and lead an outreach program for the Middle School this year
-For increased opportunities to practice Spanish and form friendships with Panamanians
-For general safety driving around the city, that God will sustain my 10-year old car
-For me that my "love will abound more and more in knowledge and dept of insight, so I will be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness the comes through Jesus Christ--to the glory and praise of God." (adapted Philippians 1:9-11)
The middle school students performing a musical about the Exodus: what a witness! |
I had the students write their favorite quotes on the bulletin board. One student wrote this! Powerful words. |
Blessings on you all,
See earlier posts for more background and why I'm staying.
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