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This blog chronicles my adventures since my junior year of college to..everywhere. Primarily it consists of life experiences and God stories in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy and God bless!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Middle School Outreach

 *Pictures taken by CCA Middle School student :)

Four Blocks Away

Just 4 blocks away
Tucked into the Los Rios neighborhood
A walkable distance
At the top of a steep hill

Hogar Divino Niño
An orphanage
Full of rambunctious kids
All under the age of five


CCA students
Took turns visiting
Bringing books to read with their little buddies
Performing skits about Bible stories
About God being our Father and Provider
And Jesus being our Peace and Answer

Was greeted first
By a tiny girl in pigtails
Who wrapped her arms around Jeanine’s legs
Looked up with wide eyes
And said, “You’re mine!”

The 8th graders performed their read aloud skits
Sweat ran down their faces
But they did not complain
The laughter from the children was enough

A group of 7th grade girls
Sang songs to the 2 & 3 year olds
Played with their hair
And gave them hug after hug

The orphans kept calling us

“Mami” and “Papi”
Desperate for affection
For strong arms to pick them up and hold them close

Kneeling down next to them
It was difficult to hold back tears
As we said, as we were told
Llámenos tías y tíos
“Call us aunt and uncle instead”

Juanes read
To a boy named Miguel
As an older brother and friend
While Johnny quietly interacted
With Efrain, who sat in a high chair with a glazed look
The only 6 year old in the home

Goodbyes were bittersweet
For we knew we were not far
Only four blocks away

Eventually we had to walk away
Back to school
The weight of an orphan’s cry now real to us

Some students grieved
Others were impassioned
Burdened by the injustice
The question of “Why?”
These orphans are precious, lovely children of God
And we will not forget.

Since I arrived in Panama, it has been on my heart to start a Community Outreach Program with the middle school students at CCA. This year, it’s finally become a reality! We’ve been introducing this concept of being a “light in your own backyard” by visiting a local orphanage once a month and helping start a literacy program there.

Both 7th and 8th grade groups that have gone so far have done a fantastic job! The way they loved through their encouraging words, actions, and attitude astounds me as only the love of Christ can. It is highly impressive to watch them use their bilingual abilities and unique talent for drama for God’s glory and showing love to His precious ones.

Pray that the CCA Middle Schoolers would not lose sight of this deep love of Christ and that, as they mature and grow, it would compel them to serve others.