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This blog chronicles my adventures since my junior year of college to..everywhere. Primarily it consists of life experiences and God stories in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy and God bless!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Crossfire Retreat 2013: Surrender

Kneeling at the foot of the cross, I grasped the hammer tightly in my hand and drove the nail into the thick plywood. I am Yours, Lord. Yes-I give you all of me. I surrender.

“Surrender” has been a common and repeated lesson in my walk with God; from the Luke 22:42 challenge as I sat in the Garden of Gethsemane (2005), to my family’s move to California, to the difficult season of graduate school and realizing that I am not meant to do this alone, to Honduras and Panama and the ups and downs of my first 2 years teaching overseas, including the many times I’ve cried out to Jesus, because He is all I really have, my only hope, the only One with answers, and the only One who promises peace.

This weekend, I joined together with 100 students/leaders from the Crossfire youth group in a 3 day “retreat” to dig deeper into the theme of Surrender. Leading up the retreat, the leaders and I experienced this theme as our original plan/vision for the weekend fell through.

This was one way that we had to hold this weekend retreat lightly; with open palms facing Heaven, we prayed and looked to the Lord for wisdom and direction and for His purpose for the retreat to be fulfilled. Glory be to God, because not only did He reveal Himself in powerful ways to these students, but He did mighty work in their hearts that I believe will last for eternity.

Prayer is powerful and effective, because we serve an all-knowing and sovereign God who loves us and is intimately involved in our lives. Thank you for those who prayed for these students and this retreat!

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