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This blog chronicles my adventures since my junior year of college to..everywhere. Primarily it consists of life experiences and God stories in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy and God bless!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Ever since the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church this year, I've subscribed to receive daily ministry updates and prayer requests from Open Doors International. (Which I'd highly recommend if you want to a) deepen your prayer life and b) become more aware of God's work and global events around the world.)

I just had to share this powerful devotional. Whether you are "standing strong through the storm" or giving God glory for calming the seas, this is a message of challenge and of encouragement for all Christ-followers. God has the victory!

(by Paul Estabrooks of Open Doors International, 2011)

"Radical Christianity is a lifestyle, not just a mindset. Radical Christianity is concerned with:
  • Conquering, not cowering.
  • Sacrifice, not superficiality.
  • Victory, not verbiage.
  • Scoring, not slumming.
  • Penetration, not pandering.
Radical Christianity is in first gear, neutral is nonexistent.  Radical Christianity is courageous, but never constrictive, constraining or cautious! Radical Christianity moves mountains, crosses Red Seas, pulls down walls, builds walls, walks on water, raises the dead, calms storms, feeds 5000 and walks through closed doors.

It suffers regularly, soars often, sweats daily, saturates everything and spreads everywhere. Radical Christianity calls sin black, hell hot, hypocrisy evil, Satan a liar and judgment sure. It doesn’t back down, sit down or stay down. Radical Christianity doesn't depend on the strokes of others to keep it going. It doesn’t acquiesce in the face of loud opposition, fold under pressure, wince under criticism, tarnish under time, die under duress, fade under technology, nor rot under moisture. It doesn’t rust, retreat, renounce, reconsider, return or renege.

Radical Christianity always lifts up Christ, knocks down barriers, marches over objections, overwhelms pessimism, gobbles up cynicism, and tramples down skepticism.

Radical Christianity gives lavishly, prays relentlessly, claims abundantly, works feverishly, preaches powerfully, serves lovingly, perseveres patiently and believes expectantly! Radical Christianity dares to challenge the prevailing standard to make it God’s.

It never plays to the grandstands, nor waters down its position, nor adjusts its principles, but rather is a thermostat that controls its surroundings, never a thermometer that merely adjusts to them.

 It is never big, popular, stylish, convenient, in vogue or in-step with the world. Its adherents are few, its sound clear, its philosophy unpopular and its rewards great. Its disciples aren’t rewarded by this world but are those to whom Christ will say, “Well done!”

A congregation of believers was worshiping in a Sunday service in Peru when a squad of heavily armed "Shining Path" rebels came rushing in. “We’ve heard that this group is committed to God. How many of you are willing to die for your faith? Raise your hands,” he commanded.

Fearing they would be slaughtered, most of the congregation remained still. But a small number of believers tentatively raised their hands. The others were released and the commander said, “Those of you who raised your hands, stop worrying. We’re not going to kill you. We just wanted to see who in the congregation believed enough in their faith that they were willing to die for it. That’s the kind of radical commitment we’re looking for.”

Today I commit to being a radical Christian and give everything I am and have 
to Jesus.

Pray for Christians in conflict areas 
who must regularly put their lives on the line."

Standing Strong Through The Storm (SSTS) A daily devotional message by SSTS author Paul Estabrooks
© 2011 Open Doors International. Used by permission

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