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This blog chronicles my adventures since my junior year of college to..everywhere. Primarily it consists of life experiences and God stories in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy and God bless!

Monday, July 15, 2013

When in Rome..

-early morning flight to Rome

-lunch with restaurant owner who looks like James Bond
-Vatican museum/Sistine Chapel
*good culmination of everything we've seen, God is sovereign, faithful and He has the victory in the end-last judgment)


-Titus' Arch
-Roman Forum, SPQR by the Senat and the people
-Trevi Fountain
-Trajan's column
-crazy street performers
-Spanish steps and obelisk

-started with 9 on the Michele tour and ended with 3
-Piazza de Popolo (originally built for pope)
(concert being set up, churches, obelisk)
-climb to Pincio (gardens and amazing view
-followed Tevere River down to the Bridge of Angels
(nice cool, shady walk under the trees, smart cars parked the wrong way)
-explored all over Castel St. Angelo, built over Hadrian's crypt
-LOTS of steps
-Matthew, Mark, Luke and John bastions
-parapet walk, christian symbols
-Room of the Urns (ashes of Hadrian's wife)
-long curved ramp, like passageway for funeral procession
-Chamber of Justice, treasury
-gorgeous Sistine-chapel like frescoes everywhere covering the walls
-more incredible view from the top!!

*walked to Piazza Navona: Neptune fountain, obelisk, church, narrow streets, sat and ate lunch

*Campo de Fiori: remains of farmer's market
*followed river past several bridges; crossed to Isola and back
*Found St. Maria in Cosmedin: crypt of Hadrian and Mouth of Truth
*Circus Maximus, Arch of Constantine, Colosseum, Roman Forum
Vittoria Emmanuel Monument
Via de Corso
*back to Piazza de Popolo
back to hotel Leonardo da Vinci
went back to the concert in the Piazza, popular Italian singers: Tezeki Festival

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