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This blog chronicles my adventures since my junior year of college to..everywhere. Primarily it consists of life experiences and God stories in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy and God bless!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Back to Panama and Answered Prayer

Dear church family,
Thank you for praying!
I arrived safely into Panama yesterday night, and all luggage made it without a problem as well.
Praise the Lord!

Thank you also for praying for my 10 year old car.
This morning I went out to run some errands and was doing a once over of the car. To my dismay, one of the tires had overinflated and burst because of the heat and humidity.

It looked like it was okay to drive the very short distance to the tire store, and my neighbor friend, John, agreed to drive with me to the shop. I was so grateful and glad he had offered to come with, especially when the tire popped and he ended up needing to replace it with the spare. There was barely a shoulder, so I stood on the side of the road between him and fast approaching cars, motioning cars to move to the far lane. Praise The Lord for His sovereign protection and for providing John to help!

We were finally able to get to the tire shop, and he negotiated for me to get the right tire size.
So incredibly thankful! 1) that I was able to get new tires, 2) for john's availability and willingness to help.

Thank you all for your prayers!
Continue to pray that God would sustain my car (and tires!) and for protection driving around Panama City.


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