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This blog chronicles my adventures since my junior year of college to..everywhere. Primarily it consists of life experiences and God stories in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy and God bless!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Summer 2017

This was the first summer in many years where it was pure relaxation and time with family. In previous years, I've been traveling, working on my masters, studying for tests or most recently wedding planning. But this summer I truly was blessed with a breather.

A chance to read, relax, play flute, travel with family, and step away from my busy life in Panama. I just finished my first year teaching at Balboa Academy in Panama City, Panama. Teaching in my passion area of world history (ancient to modern) and learning new skills with teaching AP World History for the first time, I had so much fun in my job this year! From planning a Medieval Fair with my freshmen, to sponsoring the Model UN debate club and getting to chaperone a field trip to the Netherlands/Belgium, I felt incredibly spoiled in my new position.

On top of that, entering the adventure of marriage with Jovanni Ortega on December 18, 2016, was another incredible experience. In just a few days we'll celebrate our 7 month anniversary as a newlywed couple, and I cannot believe how the time has flown by. We've grown so much since the first month and have been able to serve together in ministry to the young adults and teenagers in our local church. Marriage has exceeded my expectations, as I have the most patient, loving and creative husband who models for me the daily choice of serving the other person first. My (and your) prayers have been exceedingly met and Jovanni and I pray together about what the future may hold. But I will tell you that I have profound peace knowing we have submitted everything to the Lord first. The Lord is the Master Planner, and we can reflect on the astounding ways He's provided in the past.

One mind-blowing experience I was gifted this summer was getting to walk along the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. We took an entertaining train ride into the canyon, complete with a French man leading sing along songs on the banjo and a simulated armed robbery, but the train ride was nothing compared to what we would witness once arriving at the Canyon.

We walked up the stairs from the train stop and I froze for a second. Here we were. Grand Canyon, Arizona. One of my bucket list dreams.

It was expansive, to say the least, and the colors were so many varieties of red and brown as they were exposed through time into the valley, that it looked almost like a fake Hollywood backdrop. But, no, it was real, and we were standing near the edge.

My husband took my hand and led me along the South Rim "Walk Through Time" hike. My head ached and my stomach wasn't too happy either--Was it the altitude or the heat? Was I nervous walking the rim or dehydrated from lack of water? I didn't know, but I had to sit and rest at one point. I breathed deeply as I crouched down in the shade. I looked out at the immense canyon, this masterpiece, and tried to think grateful thoughts. Here I was not only getting to fulfill an item on my bucket list, but also getting to walk hand in hand with my husband and getting to share the experience with my Mom, Dad, brother and sister in law, who all took time out of their schedules to make this family trip a reality.

I asked God for humility. Who was I to take this experience for granted? How often do we miss out on the beauty and people around us because we ourselves are uncomfortable or we're preoccupied with our own worries?

I stood up and chose to treasure the moments on the hike. To smile more and stop complaining. To give thanks. To be humble. To be still.

My husband kept an optimistic attitude the whole time, and served as an inspiration to me. He sang to me and twirled me as we walked. He caught my arm when my heel slipped off the path and my heart beat twice as fast. I looked into his loving eyes and saw the heart of Jesus reflected in them, in his life; serving others before himself and always living present and ready to obey God's direction.

Jovanni led me to a different lookout point of the Rim. The Canyon walls were a deeper red color and you could even see part of the river below. I saw a sign posted on the entrance to the gift shop nearby that made me pause and reflect:


I love the word manifold. It means "many and various," which perfectly describes the variety of color and life displayed in the Grand Canyon. The Bible talks about how nature declares the praises of the Creator; how if men stopped praising God, the stones would start to cry out! I always thought that was a funny image, but now I can picture it.

The beauty of this place makes an impact on everyone who visits. But it's not the beauty itself, but the grandeur, the immensity, the stillness and timelessness of the place that draws people in. This place that invites people to sit down, reflect, and listen, because if you listen close enough, you can hear the canyon singing.

Psalm 19: 1-3
1The heavens declare the glory of God,
   and the skies announce what his hands have made.
2 Day after day they tell the story;
   night after night they tell it again.
3 They have no speech or words;
   they have no voice to be heard.
4 But their message goes out through all the world;

   their words go everywhere on earth.

Photo Credit: TreCreative

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