English version (again, not everything exactly translates, so additions were made):
Words aren't enough for me to express my gratitude to all who were a part of experience in Costa Rica! Thank you for teaching me.
The past four months have been full of opportunities to learn and get to know some awesome people. Not only have I learned a lot of Spanish, I have also learned lessons in humility, patience, and courage. Glory to God!
I know what it's like to be sitting in class and not being able to complete the exercises on my own or pronounce the words correctly.
I know what it's like having 5-6 other people around me, being able to
laugh at ourselves and each other and comfort one another that
everything's gonna be okay. Sooner or later, we WILL
learn Spanish.
I know what it's like feeling like I have finally mastered an aspect of the Spanish language, and the next minute someone corrects me. Realizing perfect practice makes perfect but mistakes are completely natural.
I know what it's like needing to communicate with a complete stranger in
the supermarket and talking around the topic until he/she realizes what
I am trying to say.
I know what it's like waiting for the bus, when you don't have the slightest idea when it's going to arrive. Or what it's like to fly along the highway in a taxi cab, racing the bus in order to beat it to its next stop and climb aboard.
I know what it's like to hear fireworks going off late at night, for no apparent reason.
I know what it's like in my heart when you're standing on the edge of a zipline platform, 200-300 meters in the air, looking down and ready to jump.
I know the reassurance of a hand squeeze reminding me God is control. He has us in the palm of His hand.
I know what it's like being welcomed by a church with open arms
(literally!), even though I don't always have the words.
I know what it's like holding hands in a circle and praying in a fervent chorus for someone.
I know what it's like to allow my music to join theirs. A sweet aroma of praise.
I know what it's like to sing "Jesus loves the little children" while standing in the back of a crowded room of ESL students. Their mouths trying to imitate the foreign words, as they read the Spanish translation and wonder who Jesus is.
I know what it's like to see the joy in someone's eyes who has finally understood what the word "grace" means.
I know what it's like to fall in love with a culture and a language.
I know what it's like taking off in an airplane and brushing away tears
because the last thing I wanted was to leave.
I am beginning to know
what it means
to obey God's next direction
Which always starts with a step
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